Sunday, October 19, 2008

The True Significance of Judaica Seder Plate

In Judaism, the Seder Plate is one of beauty and deep symbolic significance. The Seder Plate officially embraces a ritualistic 15 steps of specific symbols and meanings that must be appropriately performed.

The Karpas of the Seder:

There is a step by step serving of a variety of food that can be served upon the Seder Plate. First come vegetables such as boiled potatoes, celery, parsley and so forth, but no bitter herbs can be served. Since Passover is the celebration of the Jewish nation's birth, there must be the Spring festival celebration with vegetables being the rebirth and rejuvenation symbol most appropriately to use. So the vegetables, also referred to as Karpas in the Jewish wording, is a must in the Borei Pri Ha'Adamah blessing.

The Marror and the Chazeret of the Seder:

The Marror & Chazeret actually are the herbs that run bitter to symbolize the Hebrew slaves that were literally embittered by slavery. It is common to use Horseradish as the Marror and for Chazeret, lettuce of Romaine is used..

The Charoset of the Seder:

The Charoset represents the extreme labors of the Jewish people and there is a blending of dates, nuts, cinnamon, apples and wine.

The Zero'ah of the Seder:

The Zero'ah once was the Pascal Lamb that was used in the Temple on the Passover eve, and it would be prepared for the last part of the Seder meal. But now it is more common to place upon the Seder plate as the commemorating offerings to be the bones of the chicken with some meat still remaining on the bones....


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